Agreed Upon Procedures - SCUS

Agreed Upon Procedures

Businesses cannot scale up organically every time. To reach newer horizons and take your business to a new level, you will need to work with different people, different organizations, different sets of skills, different attitudes and working styles to reach your goal. You might want to buy out a business or consolidate your market position by merging with another business. How does one ensure that work under this new agreement will be done to the satisfaction of both the parties? A third-party audit of agreed upon procedures helps.

At SCUS, we provide high quality auditing services for agreed upon procedures. Our team of experts draw from their years of experience in handling Canadian and global businesses when auditing your procedures. We begin with, understanding the nature of the business and the expectations of the parties involved. We then go through the deliverables and the timelines for the same. We gauge the willingness of both the parties to part with information needed for successful completion of the agreed upon procedures. If necessary, we put in additional controls to ensure that both parties commit and deliver on their part of the commitment to ensure progress on the transaction.

Since, we are a neutral party to your transaction, we can customize the agreements to balance the flow of information and work needed to proceed further. Agreed upon procedures often need changing and improvements as discussions progress and our team of experts help in the evolution of the procedures. All our engagements are target driven and completed in a timely manner, thereby saving your valuable time and ensuring that a meaningful result is obtained.

Agreed upon procedures are also useful when dealing in a market that is highly regulated and strict compliance procedures are in place. A third party audit ensures that all discussions take place within the regulatory framework and complete compliance to norms is maintained.

At SCUS, we received audit requests from organizations as well as lenders, investors, board of directors etc.

SCUS is on your Side

By partnering with SCUS, you gain access to a team of experts dedicated to helping your business navigate risks and achieve sustained growth.